Mountain Stats: Sun Valley Resort

Mountain Stats: Sun ValleyResort

Total Sun Valley Lifts:
19 (7 Quads, 4 Triples, 5 Doubles, 3 Surface)

Total Lift Capacity Per Hour:
26,780 (per skier, Sun Valley has more uphill capacity than any other ski area)

Average Skiers Per Day: 3,000

Skiable Acreage: 2,054

Total Runs: 75

Top Elevation: 9150

Base Elevation: 5750

Verticle Feet: 3400

Slope Rating:
36% Easiest; 42% More Difficult; 22% Most Difficult

Snowmaking Acreage: 645

Operating Hours: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Snow Report: 1-800-635-4150

River Run
The River Run area of Bald Mountain is full of slopes covering all ranges of abilities. The most difficult runs, Olympic and Exhibition, are countered by an easier Olympic Ridge and Olympic Lane. From the top, intermediate skiers can choose Cutoff or Blue Grouse to Mid River Run to get back to the River Run Lift. From there it is a nine-minute lift ride back to the top. Advanced skiers can tackle the Rock Garden, Exhibition or Upper Holiday runs for moguls galore.

Seattle Ridge
Seattle Ridge Lodge overlooks all runs designated as slow skiing areas with the exception of the difficult Firetrail. Seattle Ridge runs are well groomed and served by the Seattle Ridge chairlift, a five minute ride from the bottom of the ridge back to the top.

The Bowls
The Bowls along the top of Bald Mountain range in difficulty from easiest (Broadway Face) to most difficult (Little Easter Bowl). Intermediate skiers can begin at the left of the mountain and move to the right as they feel more comfortable. The Bowls are easily served by the Mayday chairlift, a seven minute ride back to the top.

Warm Springs
Warm Springs, named for the warm bubbling water at the base of the lift, is a great area of the mountain for the intermediate skier who needs a little more time to move on to the advanced stage. Filled with more difficult runs, Warm Springs glows in the afternoon sunshine. The top of the area is home to Warm Springs Face and most difficult runs International and Limelight. Halfway down, skiers can decide which of the more difficult runs they want to venture on ranging from Brick's Island to Cozy.

Half Pipe
The ski and snowboard half-pipe is located on the skier's left side of Lower Warm Springs, below Race Arena. The u-shaped terrain features are about 400 feet in length, 40 feet wide, with walls about 12 feet high.